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Kotor Kashyyyk Star Map Test: Achievements and Easter Eggs


When you enter the ancient tombs that you are sent to investigate, on Dantooine, you walk forward until you get to a ancient droid which you talk to. This droid will tell you that you have to do two test to prove yourself. Go to the door to the right of the droid and there will be another droid which you have to kill. When you finally get to the computer and it asks you the questions the correct answers are: 1.VOLCANIC, 2.DESERT, 3.BEREN. Nothing will happen right away because you have only done one test. Go back into the room with the ancient droid that you talked to earlier and go past him into the room to his left. There will be another droid which you kill and then when the ancient computer starts asking you the questions again here are the answers:1.OCEANIC, 2.GRASSLAND, 3.DESERT. When you have completed both test the door that is behind the anceint droid will open allowing you to get the star maps information.Update: In the computer system that say name the 3 life-giving planets the answers are: oceanic, grassland and abboreal. The death-giving answers are:volcanic, desert and barren. -thanks to Dark Lord Deagle for pointing this out.

When being tested in the Sith Academy, you will be required to perform a final task. You have to go into a tomb and find a lightsaber and the star map. Along the way there is a room where you must transfer the power to the right pillar without having it overload. There are restrictions but I have the order in which You have to transfer them (L for left pillar, M for middle pillar, R for right pillar):1)L to M2)L to R3)M to R4)L to M5)R to L6)R to M7)L to M8)L to R9)M to R10)M to L11)R to L12)M to R13)L to M14)L to R15)M to RThe power will be restored and you'll be allowed into the next room.

Kotor Kashyyyk Star Map Test

On the planet Kashyyyk Speak to the holocron computer in the southwest corner of the lower shadowlands,which has abundant information on the history of kashyyyk.If you'vealready visited leviathan,your immediately given the star map.Otherwise,you have to answer a series of questions.The holocron is progarmmed to act like a sith,so your answers must be those of the dark side. here's how to answer each question:(Dark side points gained)1:I'm unsure what zaalbar would say.I would accuse him to be safe.2:I prepare my forces to attack in ten days.I do nothing in the city.3:That's right.The death of those people would spur my forces on.4:I let the attack happen.To get a light side conclusion to this puzzle,answer the questions incorrectly and fight off the two droids that the computer sics on you.

When you enter the ancient tombs that you are sent to investigate, on Dantooine, you walk forward until you get to a ancient droid which you talk to. This droid will tell you that you have to do two test to prove yourself. Go to the door to the right of the droid and there will be another droid which you have to kill. When you finally get to the computer and it asks you the questions the correct answers are: 1.VOLCANIC, 2.DESERT, 3.BEREN. Nothing will happen right away because you have only done one test. Go back into the room with the ancient droid that you talked to earlier and go past him into the room to his left. There will be another droid which you kill and then when the ancient computer starts asking you the questions again here are the answers:1.OCEANIC, 2.GRASSLAND, 3.DESERT. When you have completed both test the door that is behind the anceint droid will open allowing you to get the star maps information.

Locate the file called swkotor.ini in your game's folder. Edit it with a program like notepad and add the line below under the [Game Options] lineEnableCheats=1Now during gameplay press [] to bring down the console then type any of the following cheat codes:healsetcomputeruse #setdemolitions #setstealth #setawareness #setpersuade #setrepair #setsecurity #setstrength #setdexterity #setconstitution #setintelligence #setwisdom #setcharisma #addexp #turboinvulnerabilityrestartminigamebrightaddlightside #adddarkside #revealmapgivecredits #giveitem #givemedgiverepairgivecomspikesgivesitharmorwarpinfiniteuseswhereamiaddlevel #dancedancemalakNote: # = any number from 10 to 999

On the planet Kashyyyk Speak to the holocron computer in the southwest corner of the lower shadowlands,which has abundant information on the history of kashyyyk.If you'vealready visited leviathan,your immediately given the star map.Otherwise,you have to answer a series of questions.The holocron is progarmmed to act like a sith,so your answers must be those of the dark side. here's how to answer each question:(Dark side points gained)1:I'm unsure what zaalbar would say. I would accuse him to be safe.2:I prepare my forces to attack in ten days.I do nothing in the city.3:That's right.The death of those people would spur my forces on.4:I let the attack happen.To get a light side conclusion to this puzzle,answer the questions incorrectly and fight off the two droids that the computer sics on you.

5. Investigate ruins - 800 XP and Dantooine Star Map. The ruins are in the NE part of the plains. At first the ancient droid doesn't understand your language, but between you, the droid, and Bastila, an ancient dialect that is understood by all eventually is found. This droid has been here for aeons! In the room to the east, you will find an ancient terminal. First, try talking to it, then insert your datapad, and then talk to it again. Oh great, a test: name 3 primary death-giving seed world types. Answer: Desert, Volcanic, Barren. These correct answers break part of a seal on the door to the south. In the room to the west, same drill with the ancient terminal, different question: name 3 primary life-giving seed world types. Answer: Oceanic, Grassland, Aboreal. This breaks the rest of the seal on the south door, and you may now enter a room that contains... a 3-D star map with the coordinates of several planets therein. Bastila thinks you may be able to find more bits of the map or further clues to the location of this entity called the Star Forge on these planets. Head back to the Council for further instructions... you may now leave Dantooine! 2ff7e9595c

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